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Navigating the Helpdesk

in Introduction
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Published: Oct 20, 2021|Last updated: Oct 24, 2023

The first step is learning how to navigate Deskpro. You move between the primary Deskpro components with the Navigation Bar, the blue bar that runs alongside the left-hand side of the helpdesk interface.

Navigation BarCopy link to Navigation Bar to clipboard

Each icon along the Navigation Bar represents a different component in Deskpro that lets you work on different helpdesk items. From the top down these are:

  • Tickets - The area where Agents communicate with Users about their Tickets. Read an overview of the Ticketing Interface for more detail.

  • CRM - Your Customer Relationship Management app, where all the helpdesk's User and Organization information is stored. Use this area to see a unified record of each User and their history with the helpdesk.

  • Help Center - The area where you manage and publish content for your Help Center; including News Posts, Knowledgebase Articles, Files, Guides and Community.

  • Tasks - An area to create, manage and view any Tasks that you, your team, and other Agents need to complete.

  • Reports - The interface is where you can view live dashboards and stats relating to your organization.


The Reports area is only available if you have Reports Administrator Access, or if you have been giving permission to view or edit specific dashboards by an Admin.

If you have access to this area of the helpdesk, you can read the Reports Guide to learn about using Reports in Deskpro.

  • Admin - This is the interface where Admins manage and configure the helpdesk. For information about being a helpdesk Admin read our Admin Guide.


The Admin Interface is only available to Agents with Administrator Access, to find out more about roles in the helpdesk you can see the Admin Guide.

You can check out The Navigation Bar for more detail about each of the different Deskpro components

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If you have an numerous Deskpro instances, you can link these by adding them as a Workspace.

This can be useful if your organization has divided up different departments or teams into different Deskpro helpdesks but you need access to both. Workspaces lets you seamlessly switch between them from your agent interface.


Each workspace retains its unique settings, preferences, and data, allowing you to tailor your workflow to specific instances.

To log in to another Deskpro instance, open the Workspace menu:


Then select, Add Workspacse > Log in to another workspace:


This will open a menu letting you log in to another Deskpro helpdesk. Once you have signed in, the other Deskpro instance will be available as an option in your workspace men; letting you quickly switch between the two.


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