- Admin
A staff member within your company who has administrator access to configure and customize your helpdesk.
- Agent
A staff member within your company who uses Deskpro to provide help to your customers and Users.
- Agent Profile
The menu where you can view and manage your Agent preferences.
- Application Panel
The panel on the right hand side of the interface where you can navigate between various helpdesk applications; Agent IM, Notifications, User profiles.
- Article
In the context of Deskpro, an article refers to a piece of Knowledgebase content.
- Assignment
A ticket can be assigned to an Agent or a Team to track who is dealing with that Ticket.
- CC
A User who is CCed on a Ticket will receive notifications about its progress. The equivalent for Agents is following.
- Chat
Real-time instant messaging between Agents and Users; may be available to Users from the Help Center or integrated into a webpage.
- Chat App
The chat menu where you manage your notifications and status for User-facing chat.
- Community
Suggestions from Users submitted through your Help Center; e.g. a feature request or new product idea.
- Content Panel
The central panel in the interface where you can work on individual items such as Tickets or articles.
- Content Properties Pane
Attached to the content panel, the Content Properties Pane stores any information about the content you are viewing.
The app used for managing Users and assigning them to organizations and usergroups; short for Customer Relationship Management.
- Files
Useful downloable files you provide to Users through your Help Center; e.g., software drivers or product manuals; maintained in the Publish app.
- Following
An Agent added as a follower of a Ticket can get notifications and see it in the Tickets I Follow filter; useful for keeping track of a Ticket without being assigned to it.
- Global Search
A search tool that enables you to search the whole helpdesk for any content you need using keywords.
- Glossary
Part of the Publish app used to maintain definitions of terms which are automatically displayed in Knowledgebase articles.
- Help Center
The User-facing web interface of Deskpro - can be integrated into your own website; information and content on the Help Center is maintained using the Publish app.
- Knowledgebase
Part of the Help Center which contains rich-text help articles.
- Navigation Bar
The left most bar on the Agent and Admin interfaces that enables you to switch between the Deskpro app components, such as Tickets, CRM, Tasks.
- Navigation Panel
The panel that lets you filter your view of content across the helpdesk interfaces.
- News
Part of the Help Center which displays news posts chronologically; useful for product announcements.
- Organizations
Used to track the company or other enterprise a User belongs to; you can assign Users to organizations using the CRM app, or Deskpro can automatically assign organizations based on User email addresses.
- Permissions
Settings which control what an Agent or User can do with Deskpro; your Agent permissions are set by your Admins and might, for example, prevent you deleting Tickets; a User’s permissions depend on their usergroup.
- Publish
The app used to maintain content for the Help Center: knowledgebase articles, news posts, downloads and glossary entries.
- SLAs
Short for Service Level Agreements; goals for dealing with Tickets that your helpdesk aims to meet, e.g. that you must reply to a new Ticket within 4 hours; shown in the Tickets app.
- Snippets
Short pieces of text which you can quickly insert into messages to Users; useful to save time entering standard greetings, phrases, canned answers etc.
- Status
A Ticket’s status is used to track who needs to act on a Ticket next: awaiting Agent means the helpdesk must do something related to that Ticket; awaiting User means the helpdesk is waiting for the User to reply; resolved means the issue that Ticket represents has been resolved; Pending means the Ticket cannot be actioned yet because you are waiting for something else to happen first, e.g. waiting on an update from a 3rd party.
- Tasks
An app used to track “to-do” items for Agents.
- Teams
Agents are grouped into Teams to enable group Ticket assignment.
- Ticket
Represents a User question, problem or complaint; can be created automatically from incoming User email, or by a User from the Help Center, or by an Agent on a User’s behalf.
- Ticket email account, or just email account
An email account that is linked to Deskpro so that incoming emails are turned into Tickets e.g.
.- User
One of the people the helpdesk is trying to help.
- Usergroup
Users belong to usergroups which determine what they are allowed to do and see when interacting with Deskpro; created by Admins, assigned with the CRM app.
- View Panel
The panel where you view any filtered content; there are various interface viewing modes, from here you can manage the content you want to work on.
- Voice App
The voice menu where you manage your notifications and status for the call center functionality on the helpdesk.
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