User Permissions settings can be controlled through CRM > User Groups select the Usergroup then go to the Permissions tab.
Ticket Permissions
Ticket permissions control the Usergroup's ability to create and reopen Tickets.

Enabling Can re-open resolved Tickets setting means that Users can re-open a resolved Ticket in the Contact Us section of the Help Center by replying to an Email about the Ticket, you can dictate a time limit for this action and what happens if they try and re-open a Ticket after this time has elapsed.
If you disable this option, you must select how your helpdesk deals with Emails about resolved Tickets. You can choose whether the helpdesk will reject the message and inform the User with an automatic Email response or accept it as a new Ticket.
Chat Permissions
Dictates whether of not members of the Usergroup can use Chat; disabling this means the Users will not be able to see the Chat widget on your Help Center.

Help Center Permissions
Users' Help Center permissions control which aspects of your Help Center components they have access to.

Community Permissions
Toggling off Community means that a User will be unable to access the Community section of your Help Center. If you enable the Community section for a Usergroup you can control if Users can submit new community topics, vote on topics and submit comments.
Publish Permissions
Disabling Publish for a Usergroup will stop Users from being able to see your Knowledgebase. If you enable Publish permissions you can control if Users can rate articles, submit comments on and share articles.
Guide Permissions
Disabling the Guides section means your Users can't access the Guides section of your Help Center. When enabled, you can grant Usergroups permissions to rate Guide topics and comment on them.
Downloads Permissions
Download permissions dictate if Users can access your downloadable content on your Help Center; you can control if they can rate and comment on your downloadbale content through these permissions.
News Permissions
News permissions control whether a Usergroup can view News posts on your Help Center. If you enable News for Users you can control their ability to comment on and rate News posts on your Help Center.
Users that have Permissions which Do not require agent validation can post comments or create topics in the relevant Help Center section and have them go live immediately, without Agent approval via the Publish/Feedback apps.
Action Rate Limiting
Deskpro also limits the number of interface actions that Users can attempt in a certain period of time using CAPTCHAs. See the Help Center Rate Limiting section for details.
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