Use SLA Application to set which Tickets are affected by the SLA:
Apply to all Tickets: this applies the SLA to all Tickets created from now on (not on existing tickets).
Agents manually apply the SLA: Agents apply the SLA from the SLAS tab on the Ticket Properties Panel.
Apply to new Tickets that match certain criteria: you can enter conditions that Tickets must meet for the SLA to apply.
A new SLA that’s applied automatically (to all Tickets, or that match certain criteria) will only apply to Tickets that are created after you make it.
Different SLA Response Times for Weekdays and Weekends
Suppose you have to fulfill an agreement to provide a 4 hour response time for Tickets that come in during the week, but a 12 hour response time on the weekend. How can you track that using an SLA?
The answer is to use two separate SLAs - one that is applied if a Ticket is created on a weekday and one that is applied on the weekend.
You can use the SLA Application section to do this. First, create the weekday SLA:

Then a complementary weekend SLA:

This solution can be improved. If a Ticket comes in at 11:55 on Friday night, you probably don’t want the 4 hour SLA to apply. You can make the weekday SLA only apply until 7pm on Fridays:
If you do this, you should then change the weekend SLA so it starts at 7:01pm on Fridays.
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