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Adding Agents to your Helpdesk

in Deskpro Quickstart Guide
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Published: Feb 28, 2022|Last updated: Feb 28, 2022

You then need to create accounts for everyone who will be an Agent in your helpdesk.

Agents are the people within your organization that will use the helpdesk to communicate with and help other users but don't need to manage helpdesk settings. You can find out more about different account types here.

To add Agents to your helpdesk, go to Agents > Agent Profiles.


When you invite someone to be an Agent they will receive an email notifiying them of their login details and a copy of our Agent Quickstart Guide.

Creating an Agent

You can add Agents to your helpdesk individually using the + New button. This will open a drawer on the right hand side of the Admin interface where you create their profile and can set all their account properties and permissions.

You can turn an Agent into an Admin, who will then have the ability to manage helpdesk settings, by giving them Administrator Access or Reports Administrator Access. This will give them access to the Admin interface and Reports interface, respectively.

You set the Agent's permissions by clicking on the Permission tab, this will let you select which groups they are given access to, as well as setting their Ticket, People, Chat, Voice, Help Center and Other permissions. This lets you completely specify what they are able to access and interact with in your helpdesk.

Agent Permissions.png


Agents will be created with no access or permissions so you will need to set some basic permissions.

For more detail about inviting Agents to the helpdesk read Creating Agents.

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