You can mass import CRM data into your helpdesk with the in-built CSV Importer. To import data into the helpdesk go to Data > Importer.

You can only import data in CSV format encoded in UTF-8. You need to make sure that the header row has the User labels listed.
When you import your data, you can map each column to one of Deskpro’s User or Organization fields:
Basic Information
First Name
Last Name
Title (Mr., Mrs., etc)
Primary Email (required)
Secondary Email
Organization Position
Language (Using language ID)
Contact Details
Phone Number (unspaced and prefixed with country code e.g. +447700900315, +12025550156)
Website URL
Twitter Account
LinkedIn profile URL
Facebook profile URL
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Post/ZIP Code
User Custom Fields
Custom User fields, or new ones you define.
Organization Fields
Associated Domains
Custom Organization fields or new ones you define
For User import the only required field is Primary Email, users without a valid email address will not be imported.
If you do not map a password field, a random password will be generated automatically for each User.
User Import
To begin importing User (or User and Organization) data, select the Import Now option beside Users.

The import menu will open, you can either drag and drop or select a file to import. Below is an example of the kind of data you can import where headings have been used.

Once the file is uploaded, you will be displayed the first row of data and the fields it aligns with. The fields will auto-map, but you can also go a change any from this menu by using the drop down options per field.
You will be given the Update Mode options, these let you choose the behavior for if a User or Organization record already exists in Deskpro:
Skip - Skip the entry entirely
Update missing values - Update any values from the CSV that are not already in Deskpro
Update all values - Update all the values from the CSV to replace what was in Deskpro
If you have uploaded a file with Headers you want to make sure you have checked the box My data has headers as the headers will allow the fields in Deskpro to auto-map to the data you're uploading, making the process even smoother.

Once you've checked the fields are mapped correctly, you can hit Continue at the bottom of the menu to begin the import. While the data is being imported, you will see the progress on a loading bar back on the Importer page.

Under the Import History menus, you can see any imports that have been carried out in the helpdesk.

If you download the log, you can see the outcome of the import, this is helpful if any Users or Organization's failed to import as you can see where any issues may have occured.

The Users import will allow you to import User and Organization data simultaneously, the Organizations import will only accept Organization data.
Organization Import
Organization import is very similar to User import. You simply create a CSV file with the list of Organizations you need to import, and add in the relevant Organization fields you want to be populated during the import.
To begin importing Organization data, select the Import Now option beside Organizations.

You will be given the Update Mode options, these let you choose the behavior for if an Organization record already exists in Deskpro:
Skip - Skip the entry entirely
Update missing values - Update any values from the CSV that are not already in Deskpro
Update all values - Update all the values from the CSV to replace what was in Deskpro
If you have uploaded a file with Headers you wan tto make sure you have checked the box My data has headers as the headers will allow the fields in Deskpro to auto-map to the data you're uploading, making the process even smoother.
To start the import hit Continue and you will be able to see the progress of the data on the loading bar.
Once you've imported the data, you can also check the Import History to see if any Organizations failed to import. And for more information you can download the log.
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