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in Voice
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Published: 20 Oct 2021|Last updated: 27 Jul 2022

If there are no Agents online for Voice, or in a specific call Queue, Users calling in can leave a voicemail.

This can be especially useful if you don't run a 24 hour helpdesk, or if you have individual extension numbers, where Users can ring in directly to you.

The voicemail messages can appear as individual voicemail notifications in the call interface or as Voicemail Tickets, depending on where the caller rang through to.

Agent Voicemails

If a message has been left on your direct extension number or if you are the only Agent setup for a particular phone number target, then you can set a personal voicemail message which will get played to Users who call you.

When a voicemail is left via this route, you will receive a voicemail notification in your voice call interface, which can be accessed by clicking Voice Phone Icon > Missed.

You should see a red notification which indicate the number of new voicemails messages you have received.


Only voicemails generated from the User calling a call queue automatically create a voicemail Ticket.

Voicemails generated from the User calling an Agent's extension or a direct Agent target will create a private notification and the Agent then has the choice to turn that into a Ticket.

Voicemails generated from the User calling an Agent's extension or a direct Agent target will create a private notification and the Agent then has the choice to turn that into a Ticket.

There are 4 other possible actions you can take with a new voicemail:

  • Create a Ticket (see Voicemail Tickets section below)

  • Call the User back

  • Download the Voicemail

  • Delete the Voicemail

Voicemails Missed Calls.png

Voicemail Tickets

When a voicemail is left for a call queue, a Ticket is automatically created in the helpdesk where audio recording can be listened to by any Agents who have access to the department the Ticket is assigned to. This Ticket can be handled by Agents like any other Ticket.


The Ticket will automatically populate with the Users details (if known) from your CRM records and will contain the Voicemail recording in full, which can be listened back to and downloaded. If enabled by your Admin, a transcription of the voicemail is available.

Your helpdesk Admins will have determined how the voicemail Ticket for each call queue get assigned. They are able to choose what Department, Team or Agent is assigned to the voicemail Ticket. This is set up in the Admin interface.

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