Use the filters on the navigation panel to browse the CRM records. To search the Users on your helpdesk select the Users button and for Organizations select the Orgs button.

The Users in your helpdesk will be filtered by:
Usergroups - The number of users in each usergroup is displayed to the right of the filter in the navigation panel.
Saved Searches - Create specific user filters with a Saved Search, e.g. All Users that are Agents.
User Labels - Add Labels to Users' profiles, when you click on the label all the Users that match the label will be displayed in the view panel.

Ordering and Viewing Users
You can manage how you view Users in the CRM by sorting, grouping and adding view columns.

You can reorder Users with the Sort: dropdown, by default you can choose to order them by:
First Name
Last Name
Primary Team
Last Log in
You can use the arrow filters to switch the order from highest to lowest, most recent to least recent, etc.
When you create custom User fields these will become available as a sorting category.
You can collapse the table into categories with the Group filter, by default these are: Primary Team, Language and Organization.
You can also choose which fields to display in the table with the View filter, when you include additional fields to the view panel it will display as additional columns on the table view.
Organizations in your helpdesk will be filtered in the navigation panel by:
Usergroups - The number of Organizations in each Usergroup is displayed to the right hand side.
Saved Searches - This allows you to create specific filter categories for the Organizations in your helpdesk.
Org Labels - Add Labels to an Organization Profile so when you click the label all Organizations that match the label will be displayed.

Ordering and Viewing Organizations
You can manage how you view Organizations in the CRM app by sorting, grouping and adding view columns.
You can reorder Organizations with the Sort: dropdown, by default you can choose to order them by:
You can use the arrow filters to switch the order from highest to lowest, most recent to least recent, etc.
When you create custom Organization fields these will become available as a sorting category.
You can collapse the table view into categories with the Group filter for properties that have been added to the Organizations' profiles, e.g. created.
You can also choose which fields to display in the table with the View filter, when you include additional fields to the view panel it will display as additional columns on the table view.
You can also view your helpdesk agents from the CRM. To find the Agents record go to the three dots menu:

From this view the agents will be shown according to the different teams you have created that they have been allocated to.

When you're viewing an Agent's profile you will see a blue bar that lets you know they are an Agent on the helpdesk:
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