Click on a Community Topic in the view panel to open it in the content panel.
From this view of a Community Topic, you can view and edit it in detail.

You can change the status of the Topic using the three dots dropdown menu

You can also click on the Forum location at the top of the topic to change the item’s Forum.

You can apply a range of actions to the Community Topic from the Publish properties pane.

Community Topic Actions
You can also Delete and Merge the Topic with the three vertical dots in the top right corner.
Merging Community Topics works just like merging tickets.

When you merge two topics, the topic that is merged will be added as a comment to the new topic and any votes and comments will be transferred.
Click Copy permalink to see a permanent web address for this item that will not change even if you edit the URL slug.

Click View in User interface to see the item on the Help Center, as Users would see it.
This shows you how the content will look on the Help Center even if it is not currently being displayed to Users because it is awaiting validation.

You can subscribe a User to a topic on their behalf from the Community Topics properties
Editing the URL Slug
The URL slug for the content is the text that appears at the end of the web address for the item on the Help Center. By default, this is based on the title of the Topic that the User submitted.
For example, if the Community Topic title is “Leaky Valve”:
The URL slug will be
.The web address on the Help Center will be something like
Putting more descriptive text in the address can help Users find your content through web search.
Click Edit Slug to change the URL text to something more descriptive. Remember to replace any spaces with "-" as per the picture below.

Click outside the text box to save your change.
Any links to the old address will be redirected to the new address, so don’t worry that editing the slug will break any links, or stop users' bookmarks working.
Editing Community Topic Content
From the content panel you are able to edit the Community Topic content, as this will initially show you the content submitted by the User.

Click the Edit button on the three vertical dots where you will be able to edit the description. This might be necessary to fix a formatting problem, or to remove sensitive information like passwords.
This can also be done with the Comments, by clicking on edit on the comment content.
You can use the comment box at the bottom to add your own comment, which will be displayed to Users on the Help Center.
Click the three vertical dots on the upper right of an existing comment for options to:
Edit the comment
Delete the comment
Set as official response based on the comment

Comments awaiting Agent approval will have a Pending link on the top right. Click it for options to Validate or Delete the comment.
Click the Revisions tab to see a list of previous versions of the Community Topic.
To see a comparison of exactly what changed between two versions:
Select the two versions to compare with the checkboxes on the right.
Click Compare Selected.
The comparison pop-up window will open showing the differences.
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