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Using Slack to create tickets in Deskpro

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Published: 21 Aug 2024|Last updated: 21 Aug 2024

After the Slack app has been installed on your Deskpro workspace, you can go to Slack and sign into Deskpro to start creating Deskpro tickets via Slack.

Signing in or out of Deskpro via Slack

  1. Open Slack in app or browser.

  2. Select a thread and sign into the help desk by using the command /deskpro signin.

  3. To sign out of Deskpro use the /deskpro signout command

Creating a Deskpro Ticket

You can create a new ticket using the Create Ticket shortcut by typing /deskpro and selecting the Create Ticket Shortcut


You can also create a Deskpro ticket from an existing Slack message by pressing the More actions button when hovering over a message, and selecting the Convert to Ticket Deskpro action.


In the pop up, select the Department to assign the ticket to, select the assigned agent, set the subject and message as required and hit the create button.


Adding a Note to a ticket

After a ticket has been created an automated message will be added to the thread of the Slack message used to create the ticket.


You can add a note to the ticket by pressing the Add Note button, and refresh the response to view the latest ticket status.

Automatically creating tickets in a Slack channel

You can configure Slack to automatically create a ticket in Deskpro when a new message is added to a channel using the /deskpro subscribe command.

If creating a subscription within a private Slack channel, you need to first invite Deskpro to the channel using the /invite @Deskpro command before running the /deskpro subscribe command.


You can configure tickets to be automatically created only when a human message is added to the channel or also when bot messages are added to the channel within the "Allow bots" drop-down.


Use the /deskpro unsubscribe command to stop automatically creating Deskpro tickets from a channel.

View the tickets that are currently open in Deskpro

Use the /deskpro list tickets command to see the tickets that are currently open within Deskpro.


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