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Replying to Tickets by Email

in Ticket Handling
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Published: 20 Oct 2021|Last updated: 31 Jan 2023

When you receive an email notification about a Ticket, you can reply to it in your email client, rather than in the Agent interface.

Remember, when you reply to a Ticket notification, you are replying to the helpdesk, not directly to the User or Agent who triggered the notification.

Depending on how your helpdesk is set up, replying by email will either be treated as a reply to the User or as an Agent Note (see our guide page on replying to a ticket).

Every notification says what will happen if you reply, near the top of the email body.

This is what it will look like if your helpdesk is set to make a note:


In this case, the content of your email will be added as a note on the Ticket in the Agent interface. The User will not receive an email. Agents will be notified about your response according to their notification settings.

This is what it will look like if your helpdesk default is set to send a reply to the User:


In this case, the content of your email will be sent to the User, and any Users who are CC’d. Agents will be notified about your response according to their notification settings.


When replying, make sure to enter your message above the ===  REPLY ABOVE === line.

Overriding the Default with an Action Code Copy link to Overriding the Default with an Action Code to clipboard

When replying to a Ticket notification by email, you can override the default setting of your helpdesk using a special Action Code .

Enter the code #note at the very top of your response, before any other content, to ensure your reply is treated as an Agent note.


Enter the code #reply at the very top of your response, before any other content, to send a reply to the User.

CCing People when Replying by Email Copy link to CCing People when Replying by Email to clipboard

If you CC an Agent in on your email reply, the Agent will be added to the Ticket as a follower (provided you have the correct permissions to do that).

If you CC a User in on your email reply, the User will be added to the Ticket CC Field (see reply box feature if the helpdesk settings allow. For example, your helpdesk is set to require new Users to register and you CC in an unregistered address, that person will not be CCed.

If a User CCs in another User, they will be added to the CC field (again, depending on helpdesk settings).

If a User CCs an Agent, by default, they will not be added as a follower to the Ticket, although your Admins can enable that.

Attachments from Email Copy link to Attachments from Email to clipboard

When a User or Agent sends a Ticket message by Email, attached files will be stored and displayed on the message within the Agent interface.


Your Admins may set limits on the type and size of files you are allowed to attach. Remember that most email systems will reject large files (the limit varies, but is typically 5MB-50MB), or files that look like they might be harmful, like .exe files. It is usually more reliable to share files using the Files area of the Help Center.

Email Action Codes Copy link to Email Action Codes to clipboard

When replying to a Ticket email notification, you can carry out most of the actions you could from the Agent interface by adding special email action codes to your message.

Action codes must be placed at the top of the email message. They all begin with a # symbol, and some can be followed by an option:

#codename (option)

For example, if you reply to a User by email and put #status resolved at the top, the relevant ticket will be set as resolved.

Deskpro strips out the codes from any resulting messages, so they are not visible to Users.

You can use multiple action codes in one email. Put each code on a separate line, above all the other message content, e.g.

#awaiting-agent #note #priority urgent




#status option

Sets ticket status. Available options:agent__user__resolved__pending

#status resolved


Shortcut for#status agent



Shortcut for#status user



Shortcut for#status resolved



Shortcut for#status pending



Removes pending status and sets status to awaiting agent.


#note or#is-note

Sets message to be an agent note rather than a reply to the user


#reply or#is-reply

Sends messageas a reply to user

#assign option or#agent option

Assigns the ticket to the agent specified. Option can be:Agent email address. Full agent name (e.g., “john doe”).

#assign #assign john doe

#follow option or #unfollow option

Adds specified agent as a follower. Options as #assign

#follow #unfollow

#team option or #assign-team option

Assigns ticket to the team specified

#team support

#user option

Used only if an agent is sending new ticket to the helpdesk, this sets the ticket user by email address.


#label option or #labels option

Adds labels to the ticket. Provide labels as a comma-separated list.

#label bug, todo

#dep option or #department option

Sets the department.

#dep support

#urgency number(1 to 10)

Set urgency

#urgency 8

#cat option or #category option

Sets the ticketcategory.

#cat consumer

#prod option or #product option

Sets the product.

#prod gyrocopter

#pri option or #priority option

Sets the priority.

#pri routine

#field value

Sets any customfield.#field is name of the custom field with spaces removed or turned into dashes, value is the value to set.

#license-id 1234for a toggle field, values are yes or no


Prevents message from being added to the ticket. Lets you use action codes without sending an actual reply to the ticket.


When Deskpro is searching for values based on a string title or name (for example, a category name or an agent name), all comparisons are case-insensitive and ignore white space and punctuation. Here are a few examples:

  • “Booker Dean-DeWitt” is matched as bookerdeandewitt.

  • “License ID” is matched as licenseid.

  • “Product Name (Full)” is matched as productnamefull.

Your option values are treated the same way. So #assign Booker dean dewitt or #assign booker dean de-WITT would both match the name “Booker Dean-DeWitt”.

When setting the value of a custom toggle field (where the value is either on or off, set by a single checkbox), use yes and no. For example, if you have a toggle field called Discount, you could set the value to yes with:

#discount yes


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