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Creating a Ticket

in Ticket Handling
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Published: 20 Oct 2021|Last updated: 22 Apr 2024

Tickets can be created in the following ways:

  1. A User submits a Ticket through the Help Center.

  2. A User sends an message to a support address or channel that is linked to Deskpro.

  3. An Agent creates a Ticket on behalf of a User, either

    • From the Agent Interface  or

    • By forwarding a User email message to the support address.

Check out our how-to video on ticket creation for a quick overview on how Agents can create tickets here.

Introduction to Tickets Copy link to Introduction to Tickets to clipboard

Tickets must always be associated with a User.

You can change the User on a Ticket, but it isn't possible to have a Ticket without a User.


Because of this, deleting a User will delete all of their associated Tickets.

In most helpdesks, Users normally create their own Tickets by sending an inbound message into one of the ticketing channels (email, chat, phone call, social media) or using the Ticket Form in the Contact Us section of your Help Center.

However, there are cases where you want to create a Ticket on behalf of a User. E.g., if they are telling you about the issue in person.

You can create a new Ticket from the dropdown on the + New button in the header bar.


If your Admins have created them, you can also create Tickets using Ticket Templates. For more information see Using Ticket Templates.


You can also create other types of content from the dropdown such as Users and articles.

Because a new Ticket must be associated with a User, so you must either choose an exisiting User or create one.


Begin typing either a name or an email address in the User field. Deskpro will show you matching records as you type.

Alternatively, click Create new User to make a new User record. You will need to provide the User’s email address and name, adding a phone number will be optional.

Other Compulsory Fields Copy link to Other Compulsory Fields to clipboard

All new Tickets require:

  • User

  • Department

  • Subject

  • Message (This can be an Agent note, or a User or Agent message).


Depending on your helpdesk configuration, it may be compulsory to select or enter values for some of the Ticket fields.

Fields may have validation rules to check that the data you enter is correct (e.g. that an account number is in the correct format).

When you have selected the required fields, you can assign the Ticket to an Agent or Team.


When an Agent creates a Ticket, the fields which are compulsory may differ from when a User creates a Ticket. The requirements for fields can also be different between departments.

Email or Note Copy link to Email or Note to clipboard

When you create a ticket, you must either write a ticket message (visible to the user) or a ticket note (for agents only).

Use the Email and Note tabs to switch between starting the ticket with a message or a note.


Starting with a note is the best option if you don’t need any more information from the User: for example, if the User has explained a problem on the phone, and you want to write it down for other Agents.

If you start with a note, the User will not be emailed to tell them that you have created a Ticket (unless your Admins have set that up specifically).


If you start a Ticket with a note, the Ticket will not be shown to the User on the Help Center until another message or note is added, but once an Agent replies, the subject you choose for the Ticket will be visible.

Starting with a message is the best option if you need more information from the User: for example, if you’re following up on a phone call or other communication outside the helpdesk, but you need to ask a question to resolve the problem.

You may also decide to start with a message to confirm to the User that you have created a Ticket for them, providing reassurance that you are tracking their problem and you won’t forget about it.

To complete the process of creating the Ticket, you can send your message/note.


Just as you when you are replying to a Ticket, you can choose to set the status of the new Ticket as either:

  • Awaiting User (default for a Ticket message)

  • Awaiting Agent (default for a Ticket note)

  • Resolved

Don’t write anything in a Ticket message that you wouldn’t want the User to see!

Select whether or not to open the new Ticket in a tab in the content panel straight away with the Open Tab checkbox.


Be careful about changing the default values. If you start a Ticket with a note and set it to Awaiting User, the User will have no way to find out about the Ticket.

Autosave New Ticket Drafts Copy link to Autosave New Ticket Drafts to clipboard

If you are creating a new Ticket and close the Ticket tab or browser window before you submit the first message or note, a draft version is automatically saved.

Currently, only one draft is saved at a time. If you have several partially-completed new Tickets open, only the one that you edited most recently will be saved as a draft if you close the browser.

When you click the New button, any draft ticket you have will be loaded.

If you want to get rid of your draft Ticket and start from scratch, click the  Delete Draft to the right of the Send Reply button.


Creating a Ticket for a User by Email Copy link to Creating a Ticket for a User by Email to clipboard

You can create a Ticket on behalf of a User by email instead of from the Agent interface.

To do this, email a helpdesk Ticket account (e.g. from the email address linked to your Agent account.

At the very top of the email, use these action codes:


where is the User’s email address.

The User will be notified just as if you had created a Ticket for them from the Agent interface.

If you want the email content to become an Agent note instead of a message to the User, use these codes instead:

#user #note

If you do this, the User will not be notified that you have created a Ticket for them (or be able to see it on the Help Center) until you add a reply.

Forwarding an Email to Create a Ticket Copy link to Forwarding an Email to Create a Ticket to clipboard

There’s another way you can create a Ticket on behalf of a User: you can forward a User email to an email address configured to automatically create Tickets. This feature is convenient if a User has emailed a support request to the wrong place.

Note that your Admins may have disabled this feature.

Deskpro will make a Ticket from the User’s original message and associate it with that User, even though it came from your address.

By default, any text you add above the original email message will be added to the Ticket as a note, but your Admins may have set it so that text is sent as a reply to the User instead.

You can make sure that any text you add becomes a note by putting #note at the very top of your email. You can make sure it becomes a reply by putting #reply at the very top.

The Ticket is created as unassigned, but you will be added to the Ticket as a follower. If the original message had addresses in the email cc: field, they will be added to the CC  field for the new Ticket.

You can use Email Action Codes when creating a Ticket in this way.

If you forward the same email to the helpdesk twice, Deskpro will not create a duplicate Ticket.

Some email programs forward messages in a way that stops Deskpro detecting the original email address of the User.

Deskpro tries to work out the original User from the text headers of the email you send. For example, if the headers are:

-----Original Message----- From: Victoria Johnson [] Sent: 05 November 2013 14:38 To: Subject: Support Request

Deskpro can detect in the From: line and determine that she is the original User.

Some clients send a From: header that is missing the email address when a message is forwarded, e.g.

From: Victoria Johnson

This often happens in organizations that use Microsoft Exchange/Outloook for email.

If you run into this problem, you should forward the original email to Deskpro as an attachment. This will give Deskpro the information it needs to work out the original User. Your Admins may also be able to change settings in Deskpro or your mail server to fix this problem.

Processing Email cc: Field Copy link to Processing Email cc: Field to clipboard

When a Ticket or Ticket reply is created from an incoming email, Deskpro will process any email addresses that are CC’d in to the email.

Any non-Agent email addresses CC’d in to an email will be CC’d to the Ticket within Deskpro.

With the default Deskpro settings, any Agents who are CC’d in to an email will not be added to the Ticket as followers. Note that if you reply to an email where you’ve been CC’d, it may create a new Ticket - you should make sure to reply to the Ticket notification from Deskpro, not the email direct from the User.

Your Admins can set your helpdesk so that Agents CC’d in to an incoming User email are added as followers.


Pages in Creating a Ticket

Using Ticket Templates
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Published: 28 Nov 2023
Last updated: 28 Nov 2023
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