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Ticket Locking

in Ticket Actions
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Published: 22 Oct 2021|Last updated: 22 May 2023

If you want to prevent other Agents from changing a Ticket you are working on, you can use the Deskpro Locking feature to manually lock the Ticket.

To lock a ticket open the Ticket Action menu and select the Lock option:


When you've locked a Ticket a gray banner will display at the top of the Ticket to let you know you have locked it:

Locked Ticket yours 1.png

When a ticket is locked, this is visible to all Agents on the helpdesk, they will see a padlock on a ticket when it is in a Queue or List:

Padlock on list.png

If another Agent opens a ticket you have locked, they will see a gray banner at the top of the ticket and their reply box will default to the note tab:

Locked Ticket Guides.png

If they switch to a reply tab, like Email they will see a padlock on the reply box informing them that the ticket has been locked.

221benergy.deskpro.com_app(Screen Recording) (21).png

Agents are able to lock any ticket, provided they have the relevant permissions to view and edit it.

Unlocking TicketsCopy link to Unlocking Tickets to clipboard

You can unlock a ticket in two ways, the first is by clicking on Unlock on the banner:

Unlock on Ticket.png

Or by going back into the ticket actions menu, and clicking the button that now says Unlock:

Unlock TA.png

Other agents in the helpdesk are able to unlock your locked tickets when they have opened the ticket.

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