Merging Tickets
Sometimes you will end up with two Tickets about the same issue - for example, two different Users in the same Organization report the same thing, or a User emails about the same issue from two different email addresses.
You can quickly merge two Tickets together, combining their details to make one Ticket.
When Tickets merge, some properties will be overwritten. For example, a Ticket can only have one subject, so the Merged Ticket can keep the subject from only one of the original Tickets.
You can pick which Ticket will overwrite the other Ticket properties.
If a value for a property is only set in one Ticket, then it is kept in the Merged Ticket, regardless of which Ticket you pick. For example, if one Ticket is assigned to an Agent in Team A, and the other Ticket isn’t assigned to any Team, the new Ticket will always be assigned to the Agent in Team A.
If the Tickets have different Users, the other User will be added as a CC to the new Ticket.
The labels from both Tickets will be applied to the new Ticket.
The Merge button can be found by opening the Ticket Actions menu.

Open one of the Tickets in the content panel.
Click the Merge button.
You are shown a list of the User’s Tickets and open Tickets. If you want to merge with a different Ticket, click Search, then enter a Ticket ID. It may take a second or two to show the matching Ticket.
Select the Ticket you wish to merge with.
The Merge Ticket window opens. You can click the switch button between the two Ticket to pick which Tickets' properties to keep where there’s a conflict. The values that will be overwritten are shown with a strikethrough.

Click Merge these two Tickets to complete the process. It is also important to note that you cannot undo a Ticket merge. If you accidentally merge Tickets, you will need to use the 'Split' feature to separate them back out and manually reset the Ticket properties.
Splitting Messages to a New Ticket
If there are messages about two different issues mixed up in a single Ticket, you can use Split feature from the Ticket Actions menu.

Enter a title for the new Ticket and select the messages you want to move with the checkboxes.

The User for the new Ticket will be the same.
You can also split off an individual message from the Ticket history into a new Ticket. Click the 3 dot icon at the top right corner of the message, and select Split Message.

Deleting Tickets
If you have been given the permission to delete Tickets by your Admin, you can delete a Ticket by selecting 'Delete' from the Ticket Actions menu.

You will then get a pop up confirming if you want to delete the Ticket or not.
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