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Using Volumes and Chapters

in Guides
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Published: 26 Jul 2023|Last updated: 26 Jul 2023

To create a volume click into your guide and select the Volume + button in the top right:


This will open a creation page:


Here you need to add:

  • Title

  • Status

  • Unpublish date - a date which the volume will automatically be unpublished so it can be reviewed (This is optional)

  • Parent - the guide your volume will belong to. This will be the guide from within which you selected + volume by default, but you can amend if needed.

Once these have been added hit Create.

Once you've created a volume you can add a chapter into your volume. The process for adding a chapter is virtually the same as adding a volume.

Click into your volume and click the Chapter + button in the top right.


This will open a creation page, where you will need to add title, status, unpublish date and parent. You can then Create your chapter.


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