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Ticket followers replying by email is going to the user not the agent - Base de Conhecimento / Using Deskpro / Agent - Deskpro Support

Ticket followers replying by email is going to the user not the agent

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An agent who was following a ticket tried to reply by email to the agent who was assigned the ticket, but the reply went to the user. What's going on?


This is as designed. Deskpro assumes that an agent replying to a ticket by email is responding to the user, even if they are not the assigned agent.

If the agents in this situation need to discuss the ticket by email, they can use email action codes to make their response a note, which is only visible to other agents. The follower and the assigned agent can both put


at the top of emails to have them sent to each other rather than the user - as long as they have selected the correct notifications in their agent preferences:



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