Agents can communicate in the helpdesk using a number of our collaboration features. These features
Agent IM
The Agent IM app is the built-in internal instant messaging app and is the main way agents can communicate with each other inside Deskpro. Agent IM is available across all the different helpdesk components so no matter where you are you can communicate with others in the helpdesk.
Agent IM eliminates the need for alternative professional messaging services like Slack or Teams, meaning agents can operate entirely within the helpdesk.

Notifications about @mentions in tickets
A quick insert tool that lets you link to open ticket tabs

Agent IM is separate from the Helpdesk’s Live Chat system.
Agent Notes
Private Agent Notes are another way agents can communicate in the helpdesk, they let you add information to a ticket that you only want other agents in the helpdesk to see.
Agents can be notified when they are added to a ticket depending on their notification preferences, but they are not sent to the user or visible on the Help Center.
Agent Notes can be combined with the @mention feature, which lets you mention specific Agents on a note. This will notify them via the Agent IM app giving them a direct view of the note and which ticket it was left on.
You just type the Agent’s name or select them from the dropdown menu to mention them in a note.
The Agent you @mention will always receive a notification about this via Agent IM, regardless of their notification preferences so it’s a really effective way to communicate with your teammates.