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Can I change the title of the 'Department' field on the contact form? - Knowledgebase / Using Deskpro / Admin - Deskpro Support

Can I change the title of the 'Department' field on the contact form?

Elenco degli autori


Is there a way to change the 'Department' field title on the contact form? We'd like to change this to something along the lines of "Which department do you need assistance from?" 


Yes, you can customize the title of the 'Department' field on the form (as well as most other phrases found on the Help Center). To do so, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to Admin > Configuration > Languages & Locales.

  2. For your default language, click 'Edit translations'.

  1. Go to the 'Help Center UI' tab. You will be presented with a list of different phrases that relate to your help center. You can customize any of these.

  2. Search for 'helpcenter.general.department', click edit and enter your new title in the relevant language.

  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click 'Save'.

When you view the form now, the title should be updated.

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