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Send a Automatic WhatsApp Replies using Triggers - مرکز آموزش / Using Deskpro / Admin / Business Rules / Triggers - Deskpro Support

Send a Automatic WhatsApp Replies using Triggers

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This article will cover how you can create triggers to send automatic WhatsApp replies. This will enable you to send automated and personalized messages to users to provide a better experience when contacting your company.

To create a Trigger to automatically respond to customers who send you a WhatsApp message outside of your business hours.

  1. Go to Admin > Business Rules > Triggers

  2. Click Create New Trigger

  3. Under Event, select New Reply Trigger

  4. To ensure the trigger only runs when a WhatsApp message is received from a user:

    1. Enable the “By User” toggle & make sure only the “WhatsApp” checkbox is enabled

    2. Disable the “By Agent” toggle,

  5. Under Criteria, select the “Check business hours” option. You can choose to either use your Help desk’s default business hours (set on the Admin > Configuration > Business Hours page) or set custom business hours.

  6. Under Actions, select the “Send WhatsApp Message” action.

    1. Select which agent you want to use as the author

    2. Enter the message you want to send to your customers

  7. Finally, click “Create”, you should now have a trigger that looks like this.

Now when a user sends an inbound WhatsApp message outside of business hours, they will automatically be sent the response you define in your trigger.


If the Trigger runs on a ticket where the message could not be sent this is either because the

(a) Trigger ran outside of the 24-hour contact window

(b) because the number is not registered on WhatsApp.

In this case, a note will be added to the ticket indicating that the action was attempted but could not successfully run.

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