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Why is my Macro not inserting text into the Reply Box? - Base de conocimiento / Using Deskpro / Agent - Deskpro Support

Why is my Macro not inserting text into the Reply Box?

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If you use Macros, you might wonder why Agent Reply actions in the Macro will be applied differently depending on whether you select the Run Now or Run on Send options. This article will outline the differences between these two actions and which you should use for each need.

If a Macro you're using includes an Add Agent Reply action, the way it is applied to a ticket will vary depending on which Run action you select. 

The Macro may be set up to append or prepend text to your reply message. However, this setting will only apply if you use the Run on Send option.


Using Run on Send, will insert the Macro into the reply box, the actions will display at the bottom of the reply box and any Text Actions will be inserted into the body of the reply either before or after any text you have already entered depending on the Macros rules. 

For example, the Macro that has been applied below had the two actions Change Agent Team and Increase Urgency by 3, these are alongside the Send button to show which actions will take place after you hit send, and the Text has been appended to the response the Agent was already typing.

If you select Run Now or apply the Macro using a Mass Action it will run straight away, so any Add Ticket Reply Action will be sent as an individual message on the ticket rather than being inserted into the reply box.


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