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I don't want to show the author for Knowledgebase Articles - Base de conocimiento / Using Deskpro / Admin / Help Center - Deskpro Support

I don't want to show the author for Knowledgebase Articles

Lista de autores

If you want to remove the author attribution for Knowledgebase Articles on the Help Center, you can do this by editing two templates. Go to Admin > Help Center > Help Center Design > Open template editor then open the template Article > view.html

Delete the post-avatars block on the following screenshot:


Screenshot 2023-08-01 at 16.23.27.png

You also have to edit the phrase helpcenter.general.last_update_by to remove the reference to the last author.


And finally, in the meta block further, in the template, remove lines 2 and 3 referring to the author. Please note all Help Center content pages will be affected.


Screenshot 2023-08-01 at 16.25.33.png




Please also remove the lines highlighted below in the ArticleList > detail.html template


Screenshot 2023-08-01 at 16.28.59.png



This will remove the author's name when viewing an individual article or browsing a category. 

If you make a mistake editing one of the templates and there's a problem displaying those pages, just select the edited template and use Delete Customization.

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