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Horizon - I'm having a trouble with users being unable to add attachments to tickets - Base de conocimiento / Using Deskpro / Admin - Deskpro Support

Horizon - I'm having a trouble with users being unable to add attachments to tickets

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There are a number of admin settings which can prevent some attachments working.

1. In Admin > Channels > Emails > Settings , the User Attachments settings will define what file sizes and extensions the user can submit. Check the size and type of file they are submitting is allowed.

2. If the control to add attachments is not showing up at the bottom of the Contact Us form on your portal:

make sure that the Attachments field is added to the form layout in Tickets structure > Departments under the form tab. Add the field onto the user form, and check its settings with the gear icon.

3. There may be a problem with how your Deskpro On-Premise installation is storing files. Go to Server > File Uploads to review the configuration and test a file upload.

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