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Disable Commenting on Help Center Content - Base de conocimiento / Using Deskpro / Admin / Help Center - Deskpro Support

Disable Commenting on Help Center Content

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If you want to stop users from being able to leave comments on your Help Center Content, including Guide Pages, Knowledgebase Articles, News Posts, Community Topics, and Files, you can disable the feature using Usergroup Permissions.

Go to AdminCRM Usergroups. To disable commenting you will need to update the Permissions for the two built-in Permission Groups.

First, go to the Everyone Usergroup, from here select the Permissions tab, and Help Center then for the specific items you want to disable the commenting for, toggle off the permission for Submit comments on X and hit Save.

You will then need to repeat the same steps for the Registered Usergroup.

Once you have completed this, the Help Center items you have disabled commenting on will no longer offer the option to comment for any Registered or Guest users.




These instructions will disable the ability to comment on Help Center content provided you do not have additional Custom Usergroups that offer this feature to specific users.


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