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Introducing Deskpro Guides - News / Product - Deskpro Support

Oct 23 2017

Introducing Deskpro Guides

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We’re delighted to announce the beta release of our brand new product feature, Deskpro Guides.

What is Deskpro Guides?

Deskpro Guides is a feature that allows you to create your own indexed library of instructive user manuals, built right into the Deskpro user portal. 



It allows you to provide users with convenient and highly-useful information about your product and services from your Deskpro user portal. This means the volume of incoming tickets are reduced, and customer satisfaction increases due to the depth of self-service options. 


When your customers receive self-service support, agents are able to focus on resolving more complex and tricky customer issues. Guides is one of the easiest and cheapest ways to keep customers serviced and informed. It’s the optimal tool in handling high-volume, simple queries regarding your products and services.


It’s available 24/7, and turns your ordinary users into fully-engaged power users.

How does Guides differ from Knowledgebase?

Knowledgebase is a catalogue of support-related articles on anything from troubleshooting to FAQs - and any other nitty gritty questions your customers want answered. It’s designed to be populated by multiple contributors, frequently added to, and navigated using search terms.


On the other hand, Guides is a clearly indexed library of instructive user manuals that provides users with prescriptive information on how to use your product or services. It’s designed to host more formalized and highly-authored content, which can be changed over time, and is navigated using indices.



Essentially, users look to Knowledgebase for answers to specific questions, and Guides for comprehensive information on particular categories.


How do I use Deskpro Guides?

Guides can be managed by Deskpro from the Publish section of the helpdesk agent interface. Here you can add new guides documents, or edit existing ones.


Authoring and editing of guide content is done using a rich and easy-to-use markdown publishing tool. Markdown formatting means there is visual consistency across all guides, and requires no code to use effectively.



As well as creating and editing content, you can also organize and arrange how guides appear to users. Within each guide, It’s possible to create nested topics in which content subtopics appear, allowing for easier user navigation.



The permissions of individual guides can be edited from the agent interface, allowing you to select whether guides are visible to everyone, registered users, VIPs, specific user groups, or your own agents.


Once guides are published, they appear in the new ‘Guides’ section of the user portal, right next to Knowledgebase.


Visitors to your user portal will then be able to effortlessly browse and read guides you have published; given they meet the correct permission criteria.


For more information on using Deskpro Guides, keep an eye on the Guides section of the Deskpro user portal. We’ll be uploading comprehensive manuals on using Deskpro Guides soon.

One more important thought…

If you are using Deskpro Cloud, we will roll out this update to your Helpdesk soon.


If you are using Deskpro On-Premise, you can update your Helpdesk to the latest version from your Admin Interface.


We’d like to thank our customers for using Deskpro like support superheroes, and helping us improve the software we take great pride in developing.


We look forward to receiving your feedback about Deskpro Guides, and wish you all the best in the meantime.

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