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Deskpro Horizon Release 2023.48 - News / Deskpro Releases - Deskpro Support

Nov 28 2023

Deskpro Horizon Release 2023.48

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We’re pleased to announce the release of Deskpro Horizon, version 2023.48.1. This release includes an exciting new feature that improves agent efficiency, some general improvements to product functionality, and several bug fixes.

New Features

Build an unbeatable blueprint for support with Ticket Templates

Configure custom outlines for every core ticketing process with our newest feature Ticket Templates. Agents can apply templates in two clicks with pre-filled fields, boosting agent productivity, reducing human error, and speeding up ticket creation.


For more information on how to start using Ticket Templates, please refer to our Admin Guide. For tips on using them as an Agent, check our Ticket Templates Guide.

Latest Improvements

💅 The Everyone Usergroup has been updated to ensure Guest Users cannot submit comments on Help Center content. If a non-registered User tries to submit a comment they will be prompted to log in or register (SC 127799).

💅 We’ve improved the behavior of resetting ElasticSearch indexing to ensure that if you repopulate the index all existing jobs will be purged to ensure the new jobs can process straight away (SC 130289).

💅 We have added the insert Snippet button to the reply box on the Deskpro iOS and Android mobile apps, or Snippets can still be inserted via Shortcode (SC 109285).

Bug Fixes

🐛 Fixed an issue affecting the loading of the Agent login page with IPv6 direct access (SC 81130).

🐛 We have fixed an issue with the Date DQL filter where it would not correctly return results when using a Timezone in the date (SC 103684).

🐛 Resolved an issue where Tickets linked to an Organization via the Ticket Properties Pane were missing from the Ticket list on the Organization Profile (SC 130346).

🐛 The Duplicate Rejection Email Template has been made available in the Email Template Editor (SC 122692).

🐛 Fixed issues with a query against Users to improve the speed and performance (SC 132528).

🐛 Fixed an issue where the Satisfaction Survey could run against a Ticket if a note existed but an Agent Reply hadn’t been added (SC 127735).

🐛 Resolved an issue with the Agent Activity not displaying when “All Agents” was selected on helpdesks with over 20 agents, the limit for this report has been increased to 50 agents (SC 127216).

🐛 Fixed an issue where Department permissions were not being reflected on Agents’ Profiles (SC 129088).

🐛 Fixed an issue with the test function for SSO SAML logins for both agents and users where the login would result in an error (SC 102971).

🐛 Resolved an issue where Agents’ updates to their own Timezone wouldn’t be retained (SC 130591).

🐛 We’ve removed HTML entities that were showing incorrectly in the Messenger Widget’s search (SC 114245).

🐛 Fixed an issue where downloaded Files would have a series of numbers pre-prended to the File name (SC 132470).

🐛 We have resolved an issue where Facebook Comments created by the linked Facebook Page would appear in the ticket (SC 134220).

🐛 Fixed an issue with globally disabling rate limits (SC 128952).

🐛 Fixed an issue that impacted Articles loading in the agent interface if they contained a legacy content type (SC 130201).

🐛 Agents will now be removed from Agent Shifts if they are deleted from the helpdesk (SC 110369).

🐛 Fixed an issue where the validate email link would redirect to an error on the Help Center (SC 131647).

🐛 Resolved an issue where Sort order preferences were not being retained in Dual View (SC 128705).

Patch Release 2023.48.1

🐛 We reverted an issue with the publish editor where text and images under numbered lists would be misaligned (SC 134999)

On-Premise Controller Release 2.11.3

We are also delighted to announce the latest version of the On-Premise Controller, version 2.11.3.

New Features

✨ The health check metric endpoint will now parse multiple accept header formats to reduce complexity (SC 127397).

Bug Fixes

🐛 Ensure that disabling IP access to an instance will not render it inaccessible (SC 134706).

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