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Switching from WhatsApp Twilio to WhatsApp Direct - База знание / Using Deskpro / Admin / Channels - Deskpro Support

Switching from WhatsApp Twilio to WhatsApp Direct

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The following information is relevant only to Customers using WhatsApp via Twilio. Note that WhatsApp Twilio will remain available for use, you only need to follow the steps below if you wish to switch to Deskpro’s direct WhatsApp integration.

If you use Deskpro Cloud, contact Deskpro Support. We will need to submit a request for your WhatsApp account to be deregistered on your behalf.

If you use Deskpro On-Premise, please follow the steps below:

  1. Contact Twilio Support: https://help.twilio.com/submit

  2. Request that Twilio deregister the number linked to your WhatsApp Business Account.

Once complete, you can connect WhatsApp to your Deskpro instance using the steps in our WhatsApp Setup Guide.

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