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Apply Macros from the Reply Box with Shortcodes - الأخبار / Product / Product (Agent) - Deskpro Support

مايو 9 2024

Apply Macros from the Reply Box with Shortcodes

قائمة المؤلفين

We're enhancing your workflow with our latest update - now you can apply Macros directly from the reply box using the shortcode menu.

Just begin typing the shortcode for your desired Macro, and it will pop up as a suggestion in the reply box, just like a Snippet. You can then insert it with a single click and the Macro will queue up to run when you send your reply.

Macro Shortcode.png

This update brings Macros right to your fingertips, eliminating the need to navigate through menus to apply the actions you need.

Keep in mind, if there's a Macro you frequently use without a shortcode, you will need to ask your Admin to set one up. This way, all your essential Macros will be readily available in the reply box for maximum convenience and efficiency.

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