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Which version of Deskpro am I using? - قاعدة المعلومات / Using Deskpro - Deskpro Support

Which version of Deskpro am I using?

قائمة المؤلفين

Please see the below screenshots of the Admin interfaces of the different versions of Deskpro. You can use these to identify which version of Deskpro you are currently using:

If you are using a version of Deskpro older than Legacy, contact support for details on how to upgrade.

Deskpro Legacy (Version 5)

Agent Interface:

Admin Interface:

Deskpro Version 4

image (20).png

Deskpro Version 3

image (21).png

Deskpro Horizon (Version 6)

Agent Interface:

Admin Interface:

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