
Introducing our new HubSpot app - 新消息 / Product / Product (Admin) - Deskpro Support

10月 17 2022

Introducing our new HubSpot app


You can now activate our new HubSpot app, which will let your agents keep track of contacts at every stage of a deal, with the information being pulled seamlessly into the Deskpro interface.

Find Contact HubSpot.png
Enabling the app will mean you can view your HubSpot deals from the Agent interface, making it easy to track your contacts every step of the way; without having to move between systems.

HubSpot View Deal Details.png
Deskpro will automatically link Users to deals and list relevant information on their User Profile, letting agents efficiently understand the contact and where they are in the sales pipeline.

Other things your agents will be able to do include:

  • Search and manually link HubSpot contacts to Users

  • Display a User’s contact information

  • View Deal details

  • List all Deals for a Contact on the User’s Profile

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