
Simplify the Office 365 Email set up process with Deskpro OAuth - 新消息 / Product / Product (Admin) - Deskpro Support

5月 30 2024

Simplify the Office 365 Email set up process with Deskpro OAuth


We are excited to announce the launch of Deskpro OAuth, designed to streamline the Office 365 email accounts setup on your help desk.

While Deskpro already supported Office 365 accounts, the setup required you to create and configure an application in Microsoft Azure/Entra and then input specific credentials into Deskpro. Now, with the new OAuth provider, setting up Exchange email accounts is much simpler. All you need to do is log in and grant access to your emails—Deskpro will handle the rest.

When creating an Office 365 account using POP3/SMTP or Exchange, select the OAuth authentication method. You will then see our new Deskpro OAuth option in the modal:

Office365 OAuth.png

The Deskpro OAuth provider will prompt you to grant permission to access your emails, completing the authentication process seamlessly!

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