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My custom report with a lot of fields is failing - Kunskapsbas / Developer & Reporting / Creating Reports - Deskpro Support

My custom report with a lot of fields is failing



I'm trying to run a custom report I made that retrieves a lot of different fields including custom fields I've created. Once I add more than a certain number of fields, my query fails with a “There is something wrong with your query” message. What's happening?



DPQL queries with more than about 55 fields will fail due to a limitation in the underlying MySQL technology. If you need to retrieve a large number of fields, you will need to use the Deskpro API.

Note that you can retrieve all fields in a table with a wildcard, e.g.


 SELECT tickets.*


but this will not work if you have added so many custom fields that you're running into the above issue.


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