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How can I send different auto-responses dependent on email addresses? - Knowledgebase / Using Deskpro / Admin / Business Rules - Deskpro Support

How can I send different auto-responses dependent on email addresses?

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Using Triggers, you can customize the auto-responses different Users receive when submitting new tickets depending on which of your incoming email addresses it was sent to.

For example, if your default auto-response message is something along the lines of:

Thanks for getting in touch; one of our support agents will get in touch soon.

Then, you may want to create a different auto-response for your Sales email (, that offers Users a free trial.

You need to create a new email template for the custom response. You can do this in Admin > Channels > Email > Templates. For more information about creating Email Templates, see the Admin Guide: Creating New Email Templates.

Turn off the default auto-response

Firstly, you don't want users to get the default auto-response, in addition to your custom response, so go to Admin > Business Rules > Triggers.

Under the tab, New Ticket Triggers open the Trigger in Apply: Global called ‘Send auto-reply confirmation to user’.

In the menu that opens, update the Criteria to Email Account | is not | and save the changes.

Now, any tickets that are submitted to the Sales email will no longer receive the default auto-response.

Create a new Auto-Response Trigger

Next, you need to create the Auto-Response Trigger for your Sales email. In the same Ticket Triggers menu (Admin > Business Rules > Triggers), click Add New Trigger.

Under Criteria, select Email Account | is |

In Actions, add Send email to User and select the Email Template you created. If you haven't created one yet, you can create one in Admin > Channels > Emails > Templates.

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