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How can I remove links to Deskpro from email notifications? - Base de Conhecimento / Using Deskpro / Admin - Deskpro Support

How can I remove links to Deskpro from email notifications?

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By default, if you have the Deskpro Help Center enabled, User email notifications include links to allow the User to view the ticket on the Help Center.

If you disable the Help Center, the links are not shown. However, you may wish to leave the Help Center enabled but not include links in emails to users. 

To remove those links from email notifications:

1. Go to Admin > Channels > Email > Templates

2. Under Template, click the User Email Templates > Ticket Emails

3. Open the template "New Ticket Auto-Response".

4. Delete the code:

<br /><br />

<a href="{{ }}">{{ }}</a>

5. Click "Save Template"

6. You will also need to repeat this for the templates:

  • "New Ticket by Agent"

  • "New Agent Reply"

  • "User Reply Auto-Response"


7. You should also go to the footer section of the template and delete: 

{% if app.isPortalEnabled() %}<a href="{{ deskpro_url }}">{{ deskpro_url }}</a>{% endif %}

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