When your users have a live chat with one of your agents they can rate whether the chat was helpful or unhelpful. Here are two example queries you can use to get information on this chat feedback.
List of chat feedback
Title of report: Chat feedback ${date} grouped by ${chat}
SELECT chat_conversations.id AS 'ChatID', chat_conversations.person_name, chat_conversations.person_email, IF(chat_conversations.rating_overall = 1, 'Negative', 'Positive') AS 'Rating', chat_conversations.rating_comment
FROM chat_conversations
WHERE chat_conversations.date_created = ${date} AND chat_conversations.is_agent = 0 AND chat_conversations.status = 'ended' AND chat_conversations.total_to_ended > 0 AND chat_conversations.rating_overall IN (1, 10) AND chat_conversations.date_created >= '2016-09-07'
SPLIT BY ${chat} copy
Chat ratings
Title of report: Chat ratings ${date} grouped by ${chat}
SELECT DPQL_COUNT() AS 'count', IF(chat_conversations.rating_overall = 1, 'Negative', 'Positive') AS 'rating'
FROM chat_conversations
WHERE chat_conversations.date_created = ${date} AND chat_conversations.is_agent = 0 AND chat_conversations.status = 'ended' AND chat_conversations.total_to_ended > 0 AND chat_conversations.rating_overall IN (1, 10) AND chat_conversations.date_created >= '2016-09-07'
SPLIT BY ${chat}
GROUP BY IF(chat_conversations.rating_overall = 1, 'Negative', 'Positive') copy
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