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New Feature: Reopen Tabs - News / Product - Deskpro Support

okt. 9 2014

New Feature: Reopen Tabs


Unlike other helpdesks, DeskPRO makes it fast and easy for agents to switch between different tickets and other items, with a tabbed interface just like in a browser.

The only downside of tabs is that you sometimes realise you still need a tab about half a second after you close it. That's why the best browser keyboard shortcut ever is Ctrl-Shift-T, to reopen what you just closed.

We've decided to take the lead from browsers and offer a Reopen function for our tabbed interface.

Just right-click on the tab strip, as you would to access the close tabs features, and you'll see that you can quickly reopen tabs. It's even better than the browser shortcut because you can pick from the last five tabs you closed.


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