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I don't want to show the author of Knowledgebase articles - Kunnskapsbase / Deskpro Legacy - Deskpro Support

WARNING: You're browsing documentation for an older version of Deskpro. For the most up-to-date version, see: I don't want to show the Author for Knowledgebase Articles

I don't want to show the author of Knowledgebase articles



How do I remove the author attribution for Knowledgebase articles on the portal? I don't want to show this information.


You can do this by editing two templates. Go to Admin > User Interface > Portal > Template Editor and click on the view.html template under the 'Articles' heading. 

1. Delete the following line (line #26)

 <span style="background: url({{ avatar_url(article.person) }}) no-repeat; background-size: cover" class="agent-avatar agent-avatar-mini"></span> {{ article.person.display_name_user }}

Go to the template called articlelist/design.html

2. Delete the following line (line #9)

Posted by <span style="background: url({{ avatar_url(article.person) }}) no-repeat; background-size: cover" class="agent-avatar agent-avatar-mini"></span {{article.person.display_name_user }}

This will remove the author name when viewing an individual article or browsing a category. 

If you make a mistake editing one of the templates and there's a problem displaying those pages, just select the problem template and use Revert to default.

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