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How do I prevent satisfaction survey requests being sent to particular users? - Kennisbank / Deskpro Legacy - Deskpro Support

WARNING: You're browsing documentation for an older version of Deskpro. For the most up-to-date version, see: How do I prevent Satisfaction Survey requests being sent to particular users?

How do I prevent satisfaction survey requests being sent to particular users?

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For a number of reasons, you might want to exclude particular users from being sent satisfaction survey requests from Deskpro.

In Deskpro, satisfaction survey requests are disseminated using an Escalation.

As you can see, the default built-in escalation does not allow for custom criteria which are integral in allowing for selective survey requests - so it is necessary to create a custom escalation:

  1. Under Admin > Tickets > Escalations, click + New Escalation.
  2. Determine the Event properties for sending the request. In this example we've selected the same properties as the default Escalation.
  3. Save the Escalation, so you can return to it in a moment.
  4. Under Admin > Tickets > Labels, click Add.

5. Create a new Label titled something like 'do not send survey'.

6. Return to Admin > Tickets > Escalations, and click on the unfinished Escalation.

7. Under Criteria, add criteria, and select Ticket Labels - does not contain - 'do not send survey'

8. Under Actions, add action, and select Send User Email - Request user feedback

9. Click Save

10. Disable the default escalation if you haven't already.

Now, whenever you would like to exclude a ticket from being followed up with a satisfaction survey request, simply attach the 'do not send survey' Label to the ticket.

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