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Select brand/department visibility per category, product and other field value - 피드백 / Feature Request - Deskpro Support


Select brand/department visibility per category, product and other field value Collecting Feedback

Currently, it is possible to set the visibility per department of whole fields. However, with a multi-brand set-up, this is not convenient: some products for example are available only on a specific brand. To cover these cases, it would be great to be able to indicate the visibility of each value for each brand or department.

A workaround for now is to create multiple fields for the same type (e.g. x times 'products'; x times 'category', where x is the number of brands/departments). However, having duplicate fields makes it hard to maintain and more work to set it up in some cases (as it requires manual duplication of values if a product or category applicable to multiple brands/departments). Duplicate fields also make analysis of the helpdesk more complicated.

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