
How do I set up an internal knowledgebase for agents only? - ナレッジベース / Using Deskpro / Admin / Help Center - Deskpro Support

How do I set up an internal knowledgebase for agents only?


If you want to have Knowledgebase Articles about internal procedures for Agents and don’t want them to be visible to Users. You can implement this using Usergroups.

Agents will be able to browse and search published Articles on the Help Center, without Users being able to see them.

You can do this by using adding Agents to a Usergroup and this can be used to control access to Article Categories.

1. In Admin > CRM > Usergroups, create an 'Internal Users’ Usergroup.

2. In the Agent Interface CRM app, click the three dots next to the Orgs tab to access a list of your Agents. Go through your Agents' User records and add them to the Internal Users usergroup.

3. In the Agent interface Help Center section, add a new Knowledgebase category called 'Internal'. Set the permissions so that only members of the Agent’s usergroup can view it.

4. Create the Articles for your Agents in that category.

You can now publish the articles to the Help Center, but only Agents will be able to see them.


Alternatively, Agents can browse Knowledgebase Articles in the Agent interface, so you could just keep the articles Unpublished.

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