
How do I automatically assign agents to tickets they reply to using email? - ナレッジベース / Using Deskpro / Admin - Deskpro Support

How do I automatically assign agents to tickets they reply to using email?


With some helpdesks, Agents answer users via email rather than using the Agent Interface. 

In this situation, it would be useful to assign tickets to the first agent to reply.

Here's how to do that with a Trigger:

  1. Go to Admin > Business Rules > Triggers > New Reply Triggers and click New to make a new trigger.

  2. Add a title for the trigger.

  3. Under Event, uncheck everything except By Agent, and Email.

  4. Under Criteria, add Agentis / Unassigned agents.

  5. Under Actions, add Set assigned agentCurrent agent.

  6. Click Save.

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