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Deskpro v3.2.0 and v3.1.3 Released, New Plugins Available - Actualités / Release Announcements - Deskpro Support

mars 21 2008

Deskpro v3.2.0 and v3.1.3 Released, New Plugins Available

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 We are pleased to announce the release of Deskpro v3.2.0 and v3.1.3.

Deskpro v3.2.0 includes fixes for many bugs, and adds new functionality in the form of the two new plugins: the Desktop Notifier and Chat.

v3.2.0 also introduces new software requirements. The minimum version of PHP is v5.2, and the minimum version of MySQL is v4.1. If you cannot meet these requirements, you can still get all of the latest bugfixes by upgrading to DeskPRO v3.1.3.

For full information about the release, refer to this discussion thread on our forums:

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