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DeskPRO Build #87 Released - Actualités / Deskpro Releases - Deskpro Support

août 7 2012

DeskPRO Build #87 Released

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We are pleased to announce a new release of the DeskPRO helpdesk platform, build #87.

The following is an automatically generated list of changes in this release:

  • Fix a few destroyPage cleaning up tinymce
  • - Add order direction (ASC/DESC) support - Add preliminary support for converting DPQL to SQL. This does not do any processing on functions/placeholders/tables yet. Work to analyze parts of the query and determine elements that need to be pushed up to the select level (like fields in a group/split) needs to be done. Functions must also be analyzed as they may not print out SQL (eg, X() and Y()). Placeholders need to be analzed in regards to the stack (for the parent comparison) as it will manipulate the outcome. Field references need to be analyzed to determine validity and to resolve joins.
  • Fix category fieldnot having title when editing feedback properties
  • Fix setting blank subject on message template causing error
  • Feedback: Also reload list pane after status update if needed
  • Fix changing status not updating source pane
  • Feedback: Replace status menu with select2, fix setting status not correctly saving sub-status category
  • Fix 'new' status title on feedback
  • Fix error 950: Unlimited query resulted in error
  • Fix error 948: Warning when submitting new ticket and require login
  • FormValidator needs to clear previous error state before re-validating as there may be some static validators applied from the PHP-side that prevent the form from submitting afterwards. Also, add some debug functionality.
  • Fix user adding themselves as CC when following link from email
  • RTE content should be going through HTML cleaner or else content can be stripped out when fallback XSS cleaner is applied on incoming strings
  • Add some DPQL lexer/parser build instructions and fix the directory splitters in gitignore for the Parser.out file
  • Fix scrollbar when toggling edit mode on content editors
  • Add initial cut of DPQL lexer/parser that can compile a DISPLAY ... SELECT query into a statement object and syntax tree. That will need to be able to be compiled to SQL to be displayed.
  • Fix unpublished or archived content being 'lost' in agent interface
  • Add debug option to show raw error codes, fix some fields not showing error message
  • Fix ticket field rule editor with select2 changes
  • Transfer for data about the site
  • Add way to load different code based on if in cloud mode or not
  • Show link to .key file by default, fix warning when lic has no demo expires
  • Fix using long varbinary on settings value
  • Few changes to license to support a cloud license
  • Fix JS error 942: Null parent node if page destroyed without init
  • Fix error 941: Error in validator when sending new news post without category
  • Fix usage of mbstring in emogrifier
  • Fix 64b integers used as keys in serialized strings being broken when being unserialized on 32b system. These keys were used in select2 data for unique keys generated by time and a random number. On 32b systems it'd become a string, on 64b systems it'd be an integer. If you move the data back to 32b it'd fail to unserialize.

If you are using the cloud version of DeskPRO, your account will have already been updated or will be updated within the next 24-48 hours.

If you are using DeskPRO download, you can update your installation from the admin interface.

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