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Stay up to date with all of Deskpro's recent changes - Noticias / Product / Product (Agent) - Deskpro Support

ago 30 2022

Stay up to date with all of Deskpro's recent changes

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In addition to our Latest Updates pop up, we are announcing our brand new Recent Changes App! You can find a complete list of all the newest features that have been released via the App in the Agent interface

Access the app by clicking on the ✨ icon in the top right-hand corner of the interface (next to Agent IM). From the app, you will see a continuous feed of all the latest changes and features that are available on your helpdesk.

You can scroll through the list in the app and see all the new functionality we have added to Deskpro, or you can view the updates in the Help Center by clicking on the redirect arrow icon in the top corner.

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