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Access Organization Profiles more easily with this Properties update - News / Product / Product (Agent) - Deskpro Support

Feb 29 2024

Access Organization Profiles more easily with this Properties update

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We have made some functional and visual updates to the Organization field on the Ticket Properties.

Firstly, when you click on an Organization name in Ticket Properties it will open that Organization Profile in the CRM panel, and clicking again will hide the Organization Profile details from view, just like with the User Profile.

Open Organization Profile from Ticket Properties.png

To update the Ticket’s Organization, you’ll now click the handy pen icon which will let you easily search for and change the Organization. Additionally, you can choose if the Organization section is expanded or collapsed with a click and your preference will be saved for future tickets.

Changing Organization from Ticket Properties.png

These updates are designed to enhance your workflow by giving you additional functionality and making ticket management more efficient.

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