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Deskpro Horizon Release 2023.10 - Νέα / Deskpro Releases - Deskpro Support

Μαρ 7 2023

Deskpro Horizon Release 2023.10

Λίστα συντακτών

We are pleased to announce the release of Deskpro Horizon version 2023.10. This release includes several new features that will enhance the functionality of the helpdesk, as well as improvements to our UI and bug fixes. Check out the details of the release to find out more about what our team has been building.

New Features

✨ You can now use Email Action Codes to add Time and Billing charges

We have added two new email action codes, #bill_time, and #bill_charge, which will let you apply Time and Billing Charges, respectively, to a ticket when replying from your email (SC 92367).

Email Action Codes.png
The charges will then be automatically added to the Billing & Time Log in the ticket’s properties.

✨ Our IFrame app is now available for use

We have built an IFrame App that lets Admins connect a website of their choice so Agents can access it from the Deskpro Interface, giving you a convenient way to view information (SC 80180).

IFrame App.png
✨ We have also upgraded our YouTrack app, so when you create an issue custom fields will automatically be linked from the Deskpro ticket to the YouTrack issue, keeping your records consistent (SC 98883).

Latest Improvements

💅 You can now search for Sub-Departments when editing ticket properties

We added support for searching sub-grouping values to make finding and selecting the correct sub-value in the dropdown menus easier (SC 88908).

Improve Drilldown.png
You can now search for sub-departments and apply them easily from the dropdown menu as we have improved how sub-grouping values are displayed.

💅 We have improved the speed at which a ticket custom field is set when applied with a Macro (SC 101223).

Bug Fixes

🐛 Fixed issues around the Check business hours criteria in the Trigger Rule Builder, which led to an error when editing Triggers that used it and made the process of adding holidays confusing (SC 101838).

🐛 We fixed layout issues that occurred when using Global Search on mobile and added the ability to search by pressing the enter button (SC 101550).

🐛 We fixed a bug where clicking a Help Center link would require you to log in to view the content. Now, you will be directed successfully to the content if you are already logged in (SC 99002).

🐛 Fixed a bug that caused the save new list button to disappear when using the Kanban view in Lists (SC 100456)

🐛 We restored functionality that remembers whether you have opted to display the text formatting toolbar in the ticket reply box. It will now remember your preferences between sessions and between your Email, Note, and Forward tabs (SC 101069)

🐛 Fixed a bug that caused the Messenger Setup page in the Admin interface to become unresponsive (SC 100503)

🐛 Fixed an issue that meant text pasted into the reply box was being added to the line below its intended target (SC 98666)

🐛 Corrected a visual bug that caused text in the delete ticket message window to be misaligned (SC 102590)

Patch Release 2023.10.1

🐛 We fixed an issue with the Facebook Messenger deauthorizing callback failing (SC 103408).

On-Premise Controller Release 2.0.61

We’re delighted to share the latest release of the OPC, version 2.0.61. The release includes several improvements and bug fixes to our On-Premise management tool to enhance the usefulness of the platform.

Latest Improvements

💅 We have improved the V5 readiness checks when importing over SSH (SC 103140)

💅 Made improvements to the descriptions for the control of the instance containers (SC 90152)

Bug Fixes

🐛 Ensure Elasticsearch host definition has correct protocol (SC 103103)

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