When setting the value for certain fields with triggers you may see an option 'Use advanced formatting'.
This setting allows you to leverage system variables and the twig templating engine
Advanced formatting can be used to update:
Single line text
Multi line text
Text fields and the ticket subject field accept all available variables.
The ticket date and date/time fields will only accept date and date/time respectively in a specific format.
Variable |
Output |
Notes |
{{ ticket.id}} |
ticket ID number |
{{ ticket.subject}} |
ticket subect |
{{ ticket.agent_team.name }} |
agent team |
The team of the agent the ticket is assigned to when the trigger runs |
{{ ticket_object.getagent }} |
Ticket agent |
The agent the ticket is assigned to when the trigger runs |
{{ ticket.person.name }} |
Ticket user |
{{ ticket.field# }} |
Custom ticket field value |
Replace the # with relevant ticket field ID |
{{ ticket.person.field# }} |
Custom user field value |
Replace the # with relevant user field ID |
{{ now|date("m/d/Y") }} |
Current date |
this can be used with date fields |
{{ now|date_modify("-90 day")|date("m/d/Y") }} |
Current date - 90 days |
this can be used with date fields |
{{ ticket_object.agent.getCustomDataForField(#).input }} |
User field for agent assigned to ticket |
Replace # with user field ID number |
{{ ticket.feedback_rating }} |
Satisfaction rating |
{{ ticket_object.person.getSummary }} |
User summary |
{{ ticket.person.date_created}} |
Date of user creation |
{{ (ticket.field# * 0.05) }} |
Calculate 5% |
This is calculating the % of a number field. This can be added to a text field. Replace the # with the ID of the number field. |