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Snippet variables now support more custom fields - Neuigkeiten / Product / Product (Agent) - Deskpro Support

Feb. 14 2023

Snippet variables now support more custom fields


We’ve added support for more custom field types to be inserted as variables when using Snippets.

Snippet Variable Insert.pngSo you can now create a Snippet with variables that will insert different field types. The following list details the different field types and the values that can be inserted:

  • Single-line Text

  • Multi-line Text

  • Number

  • Select

    • Single-select

    • Multi-select

  • Toggle

  • Date

  • Date & Time

  • Hidden

  • URL

  • Currency

  • File

To see what values will be inserted into the message when using the variable, see the Snippet Variable section of the Agent Guide.

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