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Easily filter your Community Topics with Lists - Neuigkeiten / Product / Product (Agent) - Deskpro Support

Feb. 6 2024

Easily filter your Community Topics with Lists


Continuing with our updates on the way you manage and filter your information in the helpdesk, we are introducing the Lists feature to Community.

This enhancement will help broaden Community capabilities by enabling agents to create custom no-code lists of your Community Topics. Agents will be able to form lists with the simple 'is/is not' filtering capabilities already available for Tickets and in the CRM.

Publish & Community Lists Release Notes.png

Agents can create personalized custom lists across the different Community forums, filtering against fields such as Date and Time, Author, Status, and more. Admins can also create lists on a per-team or global basis enabling powerful and efficient management of Community for your teams.

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