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DeskPRO Build #23 Released - الأخبار / Release Announcements - Deskpro Support

يونيو 29 2012

DeskPRO Build #23 Released

قائمة المؤلفين

We are pleased to announce a new release of the DeskPRO helpdesk platform, build #23.

The following is an automatically generated list of changes in this release:

  • Pagination to articles
  • Need to actually add the timeout value
  • Add loading to template rather than generated with js, and add help message about how to use cat editor
  • Fix getChildrenIds() when there is an earlier child whose tree descends deeper than any siblings that follow, those siblings would be ignored
  • Simplify getStructure() so there's no recursion, and fix update check always failing after first run.
  • Fix notification logic to handle agent replying to own ticket from user interface
  • Prevent updates to UI when it is outdated (eg someone else updated it). Reloads the pane when this happens.
  • Prevent updates to UI when it is outdated (eg someone else updated it). Reloads the pane when this happens.
  • Show loading when updating structure
  • Only reorder in edit mode
  • Fix another location where attach button didnt open open dlg in IE
  • Add missing phrase back
  • Undo debug
  • Test phrase change
  • Fix agent notifications of feedback
  • remove debug
  • fix line endings for all language files
  • test file change
  • more language improvements
  • Add phrase for registered usergroup
  • Fix disapproving feedback
  • more language improvements
  • Fix feedback validation, and notify user of it, fix deleting KB cats where it would always say non-empty
  • Search agents from new ticket form
  • Fix file upload with IE
  • Repeat question on invalid input so user knows to enter again
  • Fix some CSS on select boxes that make them look horrid
  • Fix missing JS validation on department field
  • Add yellow highlight in feedback view as well, show note about waiting validation
  • Headings with file or sub-cat counts in downloads section
  • Spacing around heading in newticket
  • Fix incorrect drop menu location in feedback page
  • Changes for better cutting of DP3 emails
  • More comprehensive redirects
  • cleaner singulars in phrases
  • - add tool to make spell checking language files easier - fix a bunch of spelling mistakes
  • Lang upload+install

If you are using the cloud version of DeskPRO, your account will have already been updated or will be updated within the next 24-48 hours.

If you are using DeskPRO download, you can update your installation from the admin interface.

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