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DeskPRO Build #16 Released - الأخبار / Deskpro Releases - Deskpro Support

يونيو 26 2012

DeskPRO Build #16 Released

قائمة المؤلفين

We are pleased to announce a new release of the DeskPRO helpdesk platform, build #16.

The following is an automatically generated list of changes in this release:

  • Add simple deleted page when trying to load a physically deleted ticket
  • Fix error 580 and 579: Undefined vars when sending comment validation notifications
  • Cant use namespaced \PDO here since it's an invalid char for older php versions, and we need this file for preboot checks
  • Add util tool to regenerate search tables
  • Fix number of places where NotFoundException was being returned rather than thrown
  • Show full message by default when detected an inline reply
  • Add detecting for changed quoted messages
  • Only add cutline to ticket emails
  • default auto-close and email warning of auto-close triggers

If you are using the cloud version of DeskPRO, your account will have already been updated or will be updated within the next 24-48 hours.

If you are using DeskPRO download, you can update your installation from the admin interface.

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